A letter with the contents of this post will be sent to all of our customers, we are posting it here for complete transparency and to spread this information quickly.
Dear Xcellent Creations Customer -
On Thursday, July 22, 2010 the office park in which Xcellent Creations, Inc. does business was broken into. This included 2 buildings to our knowledge and several offices within these buildings. During the incident 1 laptop computer serial number W88105B2YJZ was stolen. A few other items such as an iPod touch, an Android G1, and a camera were also stolen.
Reasonable precautions were taken to stop this from happening. The outside of the building was secured, the interior door was secured, and the laptop was secured by password. Since this was not a targeted attack, the theft of client and company data was not the goal, laptops and other electronic devices were the goal.
We are cooperating with police and the building to work through this incident and appreciate your understanding if work for one of your projects was delayed by this incident. Rest assured our data is backed up regularly locally and offsite.
This reminds us all that good backup and security practices need to be followed, and we will be doing an internal review of our procedures.
If you have any questions you can call Ben Reubenstein directly at 303-947-0446.
- The Xcellent Creations Team