Update: Here’s the first teaser trailer!
Today Kevin Smith made the call to support a great charity, and as huge fans we wanted to help. From @kevinsmith himself:
“If you’re a movie website or film journalist and you want to feature this poster or use it in a story, don’t be a detail-thin dick.
Be sure to tell people WHY the poster was released: because http://history.xcellentcreations.com/ bid $1800 to The Kenny Gordon Foundation www.kennygordonfoundation.com in less than 30 minutes.
If you also include the link for The Kenny Gordon Foundation charity in your story/article, you’re not only being a thorough journalist, you’re also helping to save actual lives – lives whose progress you’ll be able to trace via www.kennygordonfoundation.com!
It only takes a few seconds longer to provide all available facts in any story.
Including THIS fact can help save a life.”
Now, the exclusive new poster from Red State! Can’t wait to see the flick, what about you?
[...] Caleb poster was released to Xcellentcreations.com after their winning bid of $1,800 to The Kenny Gordon [...]
[...] second poster (below) was again another exclusive premiere – this time by Xcellentcreations.com after their winning bid of $1,800 to the same charity. This poster features Ralph Garman as [...]
[...] two new Red State one sheets thanks to donations to Kenny Gordon Foundation from sites including XCellentCreations. One features the character ‘Caleb”, while the other hosts “The Sons”, a [...]
[...] RED STATE have debuted online, this time courtesy of website PussyEastingClub.com (NSFW) and XcellentCreations.com, who bid $1,700 and , $1,800 respectively for The Kenny Gordon [...]
[...] foi feito pelo PussyEatingClub para a The Kenny Gordon Foundation e 1800 dólares pelo site XCellent Creations. Ambos ganharam o direito de divulgar as novas artes (The Sons e Caleb, [...]
[...] segundo poster es “Caleb” este logro reunir $1,800USD que fueron pagados por Xcellent Creations y sera donado a la fundación Kenny [...]
[...] who looks like a self-possessed Bible thumper who has only one thing on his mind. The folks over at Xcellentcreations won the one sheet after donating $1800 to The Kenny Gordon Foundation http://www.kennygordonfoundation.com [...]
[...] XCellent Creations and “PE Club” have debuted the latest two posters for Red State, which will arrive in theaters sometime in 2011. Both sites won the right to premiere the two posters after winning bids of $1,800 and $1,700, respectively. All proceeds go to The Kenny Gordon Foundation, which includes matching donations by director Kevin Smith. The first of these character one sheets features Ralph Garman as Caleb, and the second one features The Sons trio consisting of Michael Angarano, Kyle Gallner, andNicholas Braun. We do not know at this time how these characters play into the story of Red State, but more will be revealed in the near future. Kevin Smith has promised us a trailer on X-mas day this year so will see if Santa Smith delivers that will all our other presents. [...]
[...] Nuevo cartel de Red State (vía Xcellent Creations Inc.) [...]
[...] promising to match the winner’s donation himself. Both posters sold in under 30 minutes to XCellent Creatons and the Pussy Eating Club for the cost of $1,800 and $1,700 respectively. In the end $7,000 was [...]
[...] second new poster, “Caleb”, done a entrance on XcellentCreations.com with a following summary from Smith [...]
[...] sure to tell people WHY the poster was released: because http://history.xcellentcreations.com/ bid $1800 to The Kenny Gordon Foundation http://www.kennygordonfoundation.com in less than 30 [...]
[...] the two latest “Red State” posters, exclusively revealed via two charitable donators, Excellent Creations Inc. (XCINC) and @PuggyEatingClub. These two shots reveal our first looks at the character of Ralph Garman as [...]